Frequently asked questions.
What is a gravity colon cleanse?
A gravity colon cleanse is similar to a colonic, and flushes accumulated waste and toxins out of the colon using filtered, temperature-regulated water. A well-lubricated speculum is inserted into the rectum and water is introduced into the large intestine where waste is hydrated and eliminated using the body's own natural function.
Only gravity is used for the flow of water and a natural bowel movement occurs for the removal of waste. The entire session is contained in a closed circuit system and will take place lying on a table in a relaxing position. Waste can be observed moving through a view tube. Once the session is over the client will have time to use the restroom and remove any excess water from the bowels.
What’s the difference between a “Colonic” and colon cleansing?
A colonic uses a Class II or Class III medical device and uses a pressurized system to flush the intestines. This often times requires a doctors supervision or prescription because of the mechanism of pressure and electronics involved.
A gravity colon cleanse is performed using a Class I device. This device is similar to an enema, however it provides the same results (in my experience better results) as a colonic. Using gravity which is safer, water can flow into the colon and natural bowel movements remove the waste through a tube and down into plumbing. It’s what’s known as a “closed system” because there are no openings where water or waste is exposed.
How long will it take?
The session will last about 45 minutes with time for getting dressed and using the restroom afterwards. One hour total! Give yourself 1 hour and 30 minutes in case.
Does it hurt?
The speculum self-insertion should be quick and painless using an ample supply of lubricant. When water is added to the colon, your body’s response will be to have a bowel movement. This can cause cramping and some discomfort. The sensations will come and go as the body releases waste. Usually cramping occurs before a release and once a bowel movement happens you will feel relief. Prepping well beforehand will ensure the most comfortable session possible.
Can I resume normal activities after a colonic? (work, errands, exercise)
Yes, usually clients can go about their day easily. If it’s your first few sessions we suggest leaving ample time after to see how your body responds.
Do I need to prep?
It is recommended to prep before your session. The longer the better, but a few days leading up to the session can ensure a great result. Minimum prep would be the day before a session and the day of a session.
Adding green juices and abstaining from inflammatory, sticky foods like dairy, animal protein and wheat in the few days prior will allow for a productive session. Please avoid processed foods as well (foods made from refined sugars and flours - bread, cookies, cakes, baked goods - junk food basically!) This will greatly effect your results and comfort level.
This is predominantly eating vegan / vegetarian if possible. Fruits and veggies and juice, soups or smoothies.
Please stay away from sparkling beverages as well. Even sparkling water can create excess gas in the digestive system!
A juice cleanse or fasting for an extended period of time is not necessary, and shouldn't be done by those who are not used to fasting or juicing. Juice cleansing is powerful for those who can handle it in the days leading up to the session. Use your judgement!
On the day of the appointment it is best to have a liquid diet (fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies) Fresh fruit or salad will work for those who are not used to skipping breakfast. Stop eating and drinking fluids one to two hours prior.
Hydrate with water in the days leading up to the session.
How often should I receive a colonic?
Each client will be different based on their health history and goals. Your therapist can recommend how many you should continue receiving after your first session with us.
What if I’m on my period?
Receiving a colonic during your menstrual cycle is a preference. Some women do not like to have a session during the first few days of their cycle, so it is advised to not book around your expected cycle. You can either leave a tampon in, or remove it for the session as we have ample underpadding.
Please note that the 24-hour cancellation policy will still be held for these types of cancellations. A cancellation fee will occur for cancelling an appointment in under 24 hours.
What are the benefits of a colonic?
Removing unnecessary waste from the colon allows the body to eliminate more efficiently. The intestines will move more freely, allowing for better absorption of nutrients as accumulated waste is removed from the intestinal walls.
Not only is the main pathway of elimination cleared, the rest of the body is now signaled to release what is no longer needed in the tissues and on a cellular level. The entire body can shift into greater health and vitality from removing blockages and waste matter from the colon. It can reduce the amount of fermented material, reducing gas pressure and bloat as well.
You can expect an overall increase of energy, vibrancy, and mood. The gut is the "second brain" and its state of health is directly related to how much serotonin we produce as well as many other functions we are dependent on for brain health, hormone health, and optimal function of the entire body as a whole. Read more about specific benefits HERE.
Pregnancy and Colonics
Colon cleanses are wonderful to receive during the 2nd trimester if someone is already accustomed to them. Somebody who has been following a clean lifestyle and receiving colon hygiene sessions regularly can then receive sessions while pregnant.
Sessions should not be started during pregnancy if you have never had a colon cleanse before. A session can mobilize toxicity and waste that can enter the bloodstream and compromise the pregnancy. It’s not worth the risk! If you are not pregnant yet, you can receive a session to prep for pregnancy and promote fertility.
Will I become dependent on colon cleansing?
A colon cleanse session will strengthen and tone your colon. By adding water to the intestines, your natural bowel function will be initiated to repel the water. In the same way that running on a treadmill strengthens the heart, a colon cleanse can improve bowel function without causing dependency.
Will colonics harm my good bacteria?
No, a colonic will not remove enough good bacteria to negatively impact your health. Our mouth’s also have a delicate ecosystem of bacteria and we drink water all day long with out an issue. Bacteria mostly reside in the mucus membranes of our digestive tract and the benefit of removing toxins and waste will outweigh any small amount of good bacteria that is released. Our natural bowel movements also remove good bacteria daily, our body is capable of handling a washing of the colon once in a while. If you are still concerned, taking a probiotic following your session is an option.
What if I’ve had Surgery?
Abdominal surgeries need 6 months to heal before receiving a colonic. If there is any pain at the surgery site after 6 months, a doctor’s recommendation will be required. Other surgeries near the abdomen will need to be approved, feel free to check the online waiver for more information about contraindications.
What’s the cancellation policy?
Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Cancellations made within 24 hours will be charged 1/2 of appointment price. No shows will be charged full price.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Cash, Credit Card, Debit or Zelle